
Monday, January 9, 2012

Who is God

Who is God

Who is god? What is a god, how the shape of a god. This question has arisen since humans living on this earth and it's still being considered until now. For some there is a simple answer, while others remain ambiguous.

Questions about who God is? will be discussed at the conference Religions of the world to 31 in the Humanities Theatre at the University of Waterloo today. This one-day event is free and the event was sponsored by the Ahmadiyya Canada. Eight speakers from various faith perspectives will answer questions and characteristics of God. Religions represented include Aboriginal, Atheist, Christian, Hindu, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism.

Conference Co-ordinator Nabeel Rana said the theme of this year came from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Student Association at both the local university.

Although God may differ, the major religions of the world agree there is only one God.

Swami Bhagwan Shanker Hamilton said there was a mistake of perception in the community, including among the Hindus that there are many Gods in Hinduism, but there is only one.

Hindu gods have many characteristics, which is reflected in many idol. This is a way to give physical form to something ineffable, said Shanker.

"God is in everything," said Father Hindu priest who oversees the church in Hamilron and Toronto.

Imam Muhammad Afzal Mirza from Mississauga said the majority of the world's population believe in the existence of God.

Mirza said it was not enough to say that God does not exist simply because God can not be seen, heard or touched.

There is scientific evidence about many things that exist but we can not see with our major senses, he said. an example is how a seemingly empty room can be filled with a gas mixture.

Mirza said that most religions have a concept of God and its attributes in the core of their teachings. Religion provides a detailed and clear description of the existence of God than the human mind, he said.

Allan Gould, a Toronto writer who frequently gives lectures on the topic of Jews said Jews were not obsessed with theology. Rather, God is a given, he said.

The essence of Judaism is whether a person worthy of receiving God's love and how to achieve it, says Gould. The concept is referred to as sedakah Jewish charity in Hebrew means truth. To be righteous in the eyes of the Lord means giving to others, says Gould.

"This is about what you do in your life that matters," he said.

From the perspective of Christian, Pastor Rick Pryce of St. Philip Lutheran Church in Kitchener, the word of God is something else that comes to earth in Jesus.

He diwujutkan otherness, expectation of life without anyone, not playing with any rules and questions the assumption, "he said.

"God is love that will sacrifice everything based on love and love is finally won," he said.

Pryce said the Lord also comes to us through others. Otherness can be in different forms of sex, race, nationality, economic status or criminal record. We see the face of Christ in others, he said.

"Different people rocked us and challenge our priorities," he explained.

For spiritual Gerard Sagassige Aborogin there is only one God.

"God is not assimilation," said the cultural advisor to the Healing Seven Generations in Kitchener.

"Religion is the assimilation of the spirit of free, independent and free to believe in yourself." Great words of Mississauga Ojibwe Nation.

"Lord I am not vindictive, God I am not a dictator," Sagassige said. "God I'm no different than your God."

Other speakers at the event Hari Nam Singh Khalsa is a Sikh from Toronto, Doug Thomas of Elmira representing humanism and Sister Tinh Quang Thich nu of Buddhism in Hamilton.


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