
Thursday, January 5, 2012

SCRIPTURES OF BUDDHISMBuddhist scriptures are the oldest known until now written, the sacred book of Buddhism in Pali and Sanskrit; divided into three major groups known as 'Pitaka' or 'basket', namely:1. Vinaya Pitaka2. Sutta Pitaka, and3. Abhidhamma PitakaTherefore, the Buddhist scriptures called Tipitaka (Pali) or Tripitaka (Sanskrit).In between these two versions of Pali and Sanskrit, in today's Scripture only Tipitaka (Pali) which is still preserved in full, and the Tipitaka (Pali) is precisely what is the bible of the Theravada school of Buddhism (Pali Canon).Vinaya Pitaka
Vinaya Pitaka contains matters relating to the rules for monks and nuns; consists of three parts:1. Sutta Vibhanga2. Khandhaka, and3. Parivâra.Book Vibhanga Sutta contains rules for monks and nunsVen-227 vibanga contains regulations that include eight types of offenses, among which there are four violations that led to the issuance of a monk of the Sangha and can not be a monk again in my life.Fourth offense is: have sex, steal, kill or encourage others to commit suicide, and prides itself in not true about the levels of holiness or spiritual forces achieved tremendous. for the seven other types of violations stipulated penalties and cleanup in accordance with the severity of the offense in question. Nuns-vibanga contain similar rules for the nuns, only more numerous.The Book is divided into Mahavagga Khandhaka and CullavaggaMahavagga Book contains the regulations and a description of the monk ordination ceremony, Uposatha ceremony during the full moon and new moon in which recited Pâtimokkha (disciplinary rules for monks), regulation of residence during the monsoon (rains retreat), the ceremony at the end of the rains retreat ( pavâranâ), regulations regarding the Kathina robe every year, regulations for sick monks, regulation of sleep, the cloak of materials, procedures for implementing sanghakamma (ceremony sangha), and procedure in the event of a split.Book Cullavagga contains rules for handling violations, procedures for acceptance back into the bhikkhu Sangha after the cleansing for the infraction, the procedure to deal with problems that arise, the various regulations that govern how to bathe, put on robes, using residence , equipment, place to sleep and so on, about the split groups of monks, the obligations of teachers (Acariya) and prospective monk (novices), exclusion from the ceremony readings Pâtimokkha, ordination and guidance for the nuns, the story of the congregation at First Great Rajagaha, and Great story about the Second congregation in Vesali. Book Parivâra include a summary and grouping the Vinaya rules, which are arranged in the form of questions and answers for use in teaching and examinations.Sutta PitakaThe Sutta Pitaka consists of five 'sets' (Nikaya) or books, namely:1. Digha Nikaya,is the first book of the Sutta Pitaka Suttas which consists of 34 long, and divided into three vaggas: Sîlakkhandhavagga, Mahavagga and Pâtikavagga. Some of the famous suttas are: Brahmajala Sutta (which contains 62 kinds of wrong views), Samannaphala Sutta (fruit outlines the life of a hermit), Sigâlovâda Sutta (includes standards that are important to daily life married people), Mahâsatipatthâna Sutta (contains a complete guide to view the Light meditation, vipassana), Mahaparinibbana Sutta (the story of the last days of the Buddha Gotama).2. Majjhima Nikaya,is the second book of the Sutta Pitaka containing medium homilies. This book consists of three parts (pannâsa); two pannâsa consists of 50 suttas first and last pannâsa consists of 52 suttas; totaling 152 suttas. Some suttas of which is: Ratthapâla Sutta, Vasettha Sutta, Angulimala Sutta, anapanasati Sutta, Sutta Kâyagatasati and so on.3. Anguttara Nikaya, the third book of the Sutta Pitaka, which is divided into eleven nipata (part) and includes 9557 suttas. Suttas are numbered according to order, for easy recall.4. Samyutta Nikaya, is the fourth book of the Sutta Pitaka consisting of 7762 suttas. The book is divided into five main vaggas and 56 sections called Samyutta.5. Khuddaka Nikaya, the fifth book of the Sutta Pitaka consisting of a collection of fifteen books, namely:a. Khuddakapatha, contains four text: Saranattâya, Dasasikkhapâda, Dvattimsakâra, Kumârapañha, and five suttas: Mangala, Ratana, Tirokudda, Nidhikanda and Metta Sutta.b. Dhammapada, which consists of 423 verses divided into twenty-six vagga. This book has been translated into Indonesian.c. Udana, a collection of eighty-sutta, which is divided into eight vagga. This book contains the sayings of the Buddha as the Lord on many occasions.d. Itivuttaka, contains 110 suttas, each of which begins with the words: vuttam hetam Lord (so the words of the Blessed).e. Nipata Sutta, consisting of five vaggas: Uraga, horns, Maha, and Pârâyana Atthaka vagga. The first consisted of four 54 vaggas rhythmic prose, was vaggas fifth of sixteen sutta.f. Vimanavatthu, explain the greatness of various nature devas, obtained through meritorious deeds.g. Petavatthu, is a collection of stories about people who were born in the wild Map consequences of bad deeds.h. Theragatha, a collection of poems, compiled by the Thera during the life of the Buddha.Some poetry contains the biographies of the Thera, while others contain praise uttered by Thera for Liberation has been achieved.i. Therigatha, books similar to Theragatha which is a collection of sayings of the Buddha's lifetime Theri.j. Jataka, contains stories about the lives of the Buddha's earlier work.k. Niddesa, divided into two books: Culla-Niddesa and Maha-Niddesa. Culla-Niddesa contains comments on Khaggavisâna contained in the Sutta of the Sutta Nipata Pârâyana VAGGA; being Maha-Niddesa outlines contained sixteen sutta in the Sutta Nipata Atthaka VAGGA.l. Patisambhidâmagga, contains descriptions of the road to achieving scholastic knowledge of the sacred. This book consists of three vaggas: Mahavagga, Yuganaddhavagga and Paññâvagga, each containing ten topics vaggas (Katha).m. Apadana, contains biographies of 547 monks, and life history of 40 nuns, who all lived at the time of the Buddha.n. Buddhavamsa, consists of poems that tell the lives of twenty-five Buddha, and Buddha is the most recent.o. Cariyâpitaka, contains stories about the lives of the Buddha who earlier in the form poetry, especially to explain about 10 parami run by before he enlightened, and each story is called Cariyâ.Abhidhamma PitakaBook of the Abhidhamma Pitaka contains the description of the Buddha Dhamma philosophy arranged analytically and covers various fields, such as: psychology, logic, ethics and metaphysics. This book consists of seven books (pakarana), namely:1. Dhammasangani, especially from the standpoint of ethics outlines the view of science of the soul.2. Vibhanga, outlines what is contained in the book Dhammasangani with different methods. The book is divided into eight chapters (vibhanga), and each chapter has three parts: Suttantabhâjaniya, Abhidhannabhâjaniya and Pññâpucchaka or a list of questions.3. Dhâtukatha, mainly talking about the inner elements. The book is divided into fourteen sections.4. Puggalapaññatti, elaborate on the types of human nature (Puggala), which are grouped according to the order numbered, from groups of one to ten, sepserti system role in the Book of the Anguttara Nikaya.5. Kathâvatthu, consisting of twenty-three chapters, which is a collection of conversations (Katha) and a refutation of wrong views expressed by the various sects on matters relating to theology and metaphysics.6. Yamaka, is divided into ten chapters (called Yamaka): first, Khandha, Ayatana, dhatu, Sacca, sankhara, anusaya, Citta, Dhamma and Indriya.7. Patthana, explaining about the "causes" with respect to twenty-four paccaya (the relationships between mind and body).The style of language in the book of the Abhidhamma Pitaka is highly technical and analytical, in contrast to the style of language in the book of the Sutta Pitaka and Vinaya Pitaka which is narrative, simple and easily understood by the public.In today's part of the Tipitaka which have been translated and recorded into the Indonesian language and some of the new book Dhammapada Sutta of the Digha Nikaya.


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