Verses Makkiyah and Madaniyah
Verses Makkiyah and Madaniyah terms of the decline, the Quran is divided into two groups:
1. The verses revealed in Mecca before the Prophet Muhammad or migrated to Medina is called the versesMakkiyyah.
2. The verses revealed in Medina or after the Prophet Muhammad migrated to Medina is called the verses Madaniyyah.
Distinction Makiyyah verses with verses Madaniyyah is:
1. The verses Makkiyyah in general are short verses long-termMadaniyyah; letter Madaniyyah which is 11/30 of the contents ofthe Qur'an verses numbered 1.456, while paragraph Makkiyyahwhich is 19/30 of the contents of Al Qur 'an amount of 4.780verses verses.
Juz 28 wholly Madaniyyah except subsection (60) Mumtahinah,totaling 137 verses;'m juz 29 is Makkiyyah except subsection (76)Addahr, the verses numbered 431. Surat Al Anfal and AlSyu'araa letter of each is but the first half juz Madaniyyah withverse numbers by 75, while the second Makiyyah with versenumbering 227.
2. In these verses there Madaniyyah word "Yes ayyuhalladziaamanu na" and there are very few words 'Yaa ayyuhannaas', is in verse paragraph Makiyyah is the opposite.
3. The verses Makkiyyah in general contain matters relating tofaith, threat and reward, which stories people earlier that containteaching and character; being Madaniyyah containing the laws,whether related to customary law or the laws of worldly , such ascivic law, grammatical nationality law, the law of war, internationallaw, the law between religion and others.
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