
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Origins of the Christian Religion - Know the Bible

Origins of the Christian Religion - Know the Bible

Bible / Holy Bible in the origins of the Christian religion is divided into two sections: Old Testament (Old Testament) and New Testament (New Testament). Christian literature in the Indonesian language copies of the holy book called the "Bible".

Biblia, which is the Scripture in Judaism, called by the Christians in the Old Testament and is part of the holy book of Christianity. Biblia were divided into three sections: Torah and Nebiim and Kethubiim.

Judaism's holy book called the "Agreement". The core contents contained in the Ten Commandments (Ten Commadments) as contained in Exodus (20: 1-12) and in Deuteronomy (5:1-21), which is a covenant with the Israelites Yahuwa.

Ten Commandments was contained in two Luh, who was brought down by Moses from the summit of a rock hill in the Sinai peninsula, which at the height of noble prophet Moses menerimakan holy covenant of Allah Almighty (Yahuwa)

In the Yahuwa covenant relationship with the children of Israel, the Holy Book Al-Qur'an of Islam called the "Agreement" in a variety of Surah al-Mitsaq, (Baqara, 27; Ra'ad, 27; Nisak, 153; Maidah, 15; Baqara, 63, 84.93, and various other sura), which means: the Agreement.

Because the Christians held that the provisions given by God Almighty in Jesus (Isa al-Masih) was also an agreement, then the birth of two terms in the Christian world, namely: the Old Testament and New Testament.

The New Testament / New Testament
The New Testament scripture is the most human in the world though agarna kristen kristen acknowledged Jewish religious scriptures are part of the scripture as well.

1. Gospels (the Gospel set) consists of the four Gospels:
a. Gospel of Matthew, Matthew's work.
b. Gospel of Mark, Mark's work.
c. Gospel of Luke, Luke's work.
d. Gospel of John, John's work.

2. Acts of Apostles (Acts) consists of a book alone, which is the work of Luke.

3. Epistles (Letters set) consists of 14 pieces Epistle of Paul (Romans, First Corinthians, Second Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, First Thessalonians. Second Thessalonians, First Timothy, Second Timosius, Titus, Pilemon, Hebrews, 1 Letter of Jacob (James), 2 pieces of Letter of Peter, 3 John Letter, 1 fruit Letter of Judah.

4. Apocalypse (Revelation) consists' of a course book, which is a work of Yahya.

Comparison of broad content of the four-four parts, by borrowing the New Testament published in 1955 printed the Bible House in Jakarta, was recorded as follows:
Gospel of Matthew: 93 pages
The Gospel of Mark: 60 pages
Gospel of Luke: 97 pages
Gospel of John: 74 pages
Acts: 90 pages
Paul's Letter: 216 pages
Other papers: 43 pages
The Book of Revelation: 45 pages
number: 718 pages

Seeing the vast contents of the above comparison we can conclude the fact that the set of Paul's Epistles is a very dominant in the New Testament.

Synoptic Gospels
The four Gospels were written on four characters of the events in the life of Jesus, since the birth to perform its mission in the region Galelia (northern Palestine) and last in Judea (southern Palestine).

The first three Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) is called the Synoptic Gospels, the Gospels are about the same contents. Even small differences found here and there about the sequence of Genealogy, the order of events, various events, but in the context of the whole almost simultaneously.

Among scholars-Bible (Biblical Scholars), who conducted an intensive study of one by one gospel, concludes that each of the Gospel writers were both picked up from a source of origin, but the source-origin (Q) was not found present and not recognized at all.

Instead Gospel John has his own way in the lives and mission of Jesus was. Baikpun sequence of events as well as different kinds of events a bit far with three gospel called the Synoptic Gospels it.

Another difference that the first three Gospels were told in a simple and easy to understand, but the Gospel of John has been filled with philosophical expressions.

Another difference is very sharp at all about the long-run mission of Jesus in the territory, and Judea Galelia it. The first three Gospels tell that it carries on its mission of Jesus Christ in the Passover once, and then caught it during the Passover celebration in Jerusalem. So, Jesus perform its mission within approximately one year only.

But the Gospel of John tells that Jesus Christ was run three times during its mission in the celebration of Easter, and finally arrested in Easter celebrations in Jerusalem. So according to John, Jesus Christ execute its mission within three years, not one year as information belonging to third Gospels Synoptic Gospels it.

The four Gospel writers were arranged in the ancient Greek language (Greek). While Jesus Christ was born and lived in the Jewish communities in Palestine, which was grown under the authority of the Roman empire, and execute its mission in the Jewish community, which today is only to recognize and use language is a dialect Arainik from the Hebrew (Jewish) .

Nazarenes and Christians
The first followers of Jesus who once made up of Jewish groups in the region Galelia and Judea, which the scholars among the Bible (Biblical Sholan) is called the Early Christians, the very first Christians.

At the time of Jesus' own life and the next period has not been known as a Christian (Christianis). They were only called by other circles, especially by those who challenged Jesus, as the Nazarenes. Namely the followers of Nazareth. This is because even though Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but his family settled in the small town of Nazareth in the region-Galelia.

That is why the believers were first called his opponent's side with the followers of Nazareth or Nazarenes. From the name Nazarenes was born as Nassara in Arabic and as Christians in the Indonesian language.

Meanwhile, as Christians (Christian) has emerged in recent times, long after the death of Jesus. The name was born in big cities started Antioch in northern Syria, when Barnabas and Paul to run its mission of that great city, which has a position as the capital of the Roman empire to the eastern hemisphere.

Caused Barnabas and Paul in its mission endlessly declare and affirm that Jesus was the Christos (AI-still) then the people around him to call them by the followers of Christ (Christians). From there was born as Christians in the Indonesian language.

Jesus died, according to A. Powell Davies in The First Christian 1957 prints 13 pages, about the year 29 AD. The opinion was confirmed by Hugh J. Schonfield in The Authentic New Testament prints 1958 pages XIV.

While events in major cities of Antioch took place, according to Hugh J. Schonfield, circa 46-48 AD. So Iebih twenty years after the death of Jesus before muncuI as Christians (Christians).

At the end of a fierce dispute broke out between Barnabas with Paul in the big cities were Antioch (Acts, 15: 39), and also Peteros with Paul at Antioch big city-he, 2: 11-21). The core principal that caused the dispute has never been described in Acts, but it will be tested are described in the following description.

Because of fierce dispute with Paul Silas left Antioch for the big-city forever (Acts, 15:40-41) to the Asia Minor peninsula and Macedonia and Achaia (Grik) to develop teaching in Grik people and their environment that is called the Gentile Christians (Christians Foreigners).

The name was born in the Christian world to differentiate groups of followers who were with the Christian New First Instance, Early Christians, the followers of Jesus Christ first in the Jewish community in Palestine, called by the Nazarenes.

The followers who first believed to have been largely destroyed during the nation's total rebellion against the oppression of Jews in Palestine Roman empire, which lasted ten years, between years 65 to 75 BC. X of the Roman legions did mass killings (massacre) in the township-Jewish settlements throughout Palestine, but who had fled to the valley of Mesopotamia and South Arabia and various other areas.

As commander Titus in 70 AD and managed to seize control of the last bastions of the Jews, the holy city of Jerusalem, then the mass killings took place again. Acting commander Titus destroyed the temple on the hill of Zion, which is a famous temple magnificent and grand, which originated during the first built by Solomon and is known as the Temple of Solomon (Solomon's Temple).

Commander Titus announced Jerusalem and surrounding areas now controlled by the empires of Rome and the area was named by: Aeliae Capitolae. Since the year 70 AD that every Jew is not allowed to enter the territory Aelice Capitolae it.

Ever since the failed uprising that's totally unknown in the history of the Jewish nation with the Great Diaspora, namely the scatter without a homeland. In a very tragic period was believed to groups of followers of Jesus in the first place (Early Christians) go extinct. Except for a small group who had meliputkan himself to the city of Pella across the Jordan river, which in recent times with a sect known as Ebionites who have a gospel itself known in the history of the Ebionite Gospel (Gospel Ebionites), whose content is much different from the Gospels into the handle Christian world in the next period and now.

Since the first group that can be said to have perished in the rebellion were then developed a new group of followers, under the teachings of Paul, the Gentile Christians (Christians Foreigners).


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