
Saturday, January 7, 2012

The founder of Protestant Christianity

The founder of Protestant Christianity
The founder of Protestant Christianity was Martin Luther, which some people there who said Jean Calvin was the founder of Protestant Christianity, and some are saying the founder of Protestant Christianity in England Wyclif and John Hus in Buhemia
Dissent against the Catholic Church peaked during Martin Luther, so he can be regarded as the founders of Protestant Christianity. Then after Martin Luther Ulrich Zwingli and Jean there Calvin. Which will be described further here is about MartinLuther,
Who is Martin Luther, how his thinking and how to struggle. Martin Luther came from a peasant family in Thuringen. He was born on 10 Novenber 1483 in Eisleben, Germany. In 1507 he was ordained a priest, then in 1512 he earned a doctorate in theology from the University Weittenberg active onwards diUniversitas it.

Luther attacked the mystical ideals of life in the church, which tried to obtain salvation and spiritual fellowship directly from Jesus. He bases his teachings on faith and grace as the source of human life. In point out a new understanding of what Paul says in Romans 1: 16-17 is: 'Because I have a strong belief in the gospel, because it is the power of God who saves those who believe. First the Jews, but also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God, which departed from the faith, and lead to faith, as it is written: 'The just shall live by faith'.
Based on Luther's verses can not accept what is often heard that 'Righteousness of God' is the same God of justice with Judge Earthly release, confirming the good people and punish people who are evil. This is not true, because according to Luther 'righteousness of God' it is the grace of God, who receives sinners and give up on himself. Instead God rejected the people who consider themselves good.
Luther's doctrine is the basic point in the Scripture that differ from Catholic teaching about God's relationship with man. He held that God is just above, there is no God incarnate in man, the human experience will not be able to reach the will of God, acts of human being has value while God can not be assessed. Humans can only trying to find a way of salvation by faith. Therefore what is called 'Purgatory' and 'indulgence' that's not true
This is where the events that made Luther got moves to attack the Catholic Church, the act which is called 'simony church', where the Dominican monks in Germany make buying and selling-suratindulgensi letter to raise funds for the construction of the church of St. Pertus, so that the spiritual values ​​toyed with money and goods


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