
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

If Einstein's Still Alive

If Einstein's Still Alive

Who does not know Albert Eistein? Physics genius was in 1905 succeeded in formulating the theory of relativity is the point: the mass can be converted into energy. Based on this theory, other scientists to develop nuclear weapons technology. Although the true nuclear energy can be utilized for human welfare, for example, to generate electrical energy, or for innovation in the field of medicine, but unfortunately the dark history has been recorded. Einstein's relativity theory has been developed for the most lethal technology: making nuclear bombs. 
If Einstein's Still Alive
If Einstein's Still Alive

The bomb was detonated on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which devastated the city and killed 200,000 people instantly, and tens of thousands of others die a slow death due to nuclear radiation. However, some countries still produce and store nuclear weapons, so it is said, the number of nuclear weapons that exist on earth today, when detonated, could destroy the earth five times (the first explosion, the earth is destroyed, and if, the earth can be whole again , can still be blown to pieces again, and when the earth can be returned intact, the existing nuclear stockpile is enough to destroy it again, and so on, up to five times).

Eistein deeply regret this situation. Moreover, he often 'accused' as the 'mastermind' of making an atomic bomb. In various interviews, Einstein asserted that he was not the "father of the atomic bomb".

"I do not Consider myself the father of the release of atomic energy. My part in it was quite indirect. "

Einstein's biggest regret was that he wrote a letter to then U.S. President, Roosevelt, warning that Nazi Germany had to make innovations that have the potential to make nuclear weapons, and suggested that the U.S. is also conducting research in the nuclear field. However, later studies performed under U.S. military control (Manhattan Project) would involve no Einstein, and even the scientists involved in the project were prohibited from consulting with Einstein, since Einstein regarded as a scientist and activist wing 'left', so potentially 'disturbing the peace '.

Hiroshima-Nagasaki when the tragedy occurred, Einstein said, "Woe is me" [Woe to me]. He really regretted had written a letter to Roosevelt. His motivation was to anticipate the research conducted by the Nazis, which is based on his knowledge as a physician, a research-if successful-would be bad for mankind. But knowledge is even Einstein later used by the U.S. for crimes against humanity. In an interview with Newsweek, Einstein said, "I wish I knew the Germans would fail in the research, I will not do anything [not going to write a letter to Roosevelt-pen]. From then until his death, Einstein became an activist opponent of nuclear weapons and peace caller.

Now, if Eistein still alive, what would he say, in view of his colleagues, the nuclear physicist in Iran, one by one fall killed by agents of Israel?

Fidel Castro (former President of Cuba), in his article titled "The Risk of a Nuclear War with Iran. What would Einstein Say? "Paper quoted a leading journalist who wrote the U.S. [and in fact is very pro-Israel] Jeffrey Goldberg, containing his analysis of 'what will be done by the U.S. and Israel against Iran'. Goldberg writes, that "foiling operations" (Operation discomfiture) would be carried out by agents of Israel, the United States, Britain and other Western powers. According to Goldberg, "The operation of this discomfiture is a program designed to subvert the Iranian nuclear effort through sabotage, removal of Iran's nuclear scientists through a careful effort. This operation will significantly impede the progress of Iran. "

Goldberg is writing is evident. Since 2007, there were already three Iranian nuclear scientists were killed, one other scientist was seriously injured, but survived. They are, Ardeshir Hosseinpour, was assassinated in 2007; Dr. Massoud Ali Mohammadi, was assassinated in July 2010, and Prof. Shariari Majid, was murdered in November 2010. Meanwhile, Fereydoon Abbasi, a laser physicist from Shahid Beheshti University, and his wife also got a bomb attack and was seriously injured, but survived. Murder is generally the same way, namely by using a remote control bomb. On August 2010, Iran expert engineers manufacture unmanned aircraft, also was killed in a bomb blast killed.

In January 2011, as reported by Press TV, Iran's intelligence agencies have managed to dismantle terrorist networks assassination missions against Iran's nuclear scientists, and the terrorists claim to be trained and funded by Israel.

Previously, a leading British newspaper, Telegraph, on December 5, 2010 released an article about the mastermind behind the terrorist acts against Iranian scientists, that Meir Dagan. This cold-blooded killer is one director of the Mossad, and it was he who designed the various acts of murder against the enemies of Israel. The full article can be read here.

It was a very dirty action: using the murder of the scientist as a foreign policy strategy.

Fidel Castro in an article written a very interesting paragraph,

"I do not remember any other event in history where the murder of scientists has become official policy of nuclear-armed group of the ruling [mean Castro: U.S., Israel, Britain, et al, are the countries in possession of nuclear-pen]. Worst yet, in the case of Iran, this strategy is applied to an Islamic state that even if they are able to master the technology of nuclear weapons, they will not make it because it will deal with cultural and religious Iranians were willing to die if his country to do a similar crime their enemies [use of nuclear weapons-pen]. "

Another interesting sentence of Castro, "The Diaspora era [the time when Jews were scattered], the left has the world come together in solidarity against Israel. People curse .. concentration camps who want to be ignored by Europe and the bourgeois world. But now, the leaders of the genocidal state of Israel actually put into practice and make themselves as the most reactionary forces in the earth. "

From this sentence we can see that there have been changes in view of Israel. Not only the 'left' [note: Castro is a left-leaning statesmen], the world, from different races and religions, even Jewish ones, are now able to see clearly the evil Israel. Actions of transnational inter-religious like Viva Palestina, or expedition Mavi Marmara, proves it.

And again, if Einstein were alive, what would he do? Very likely, he will be in the middle of the activist opponents of Israel, and even going on board the Mavi Marmara!


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