Travel Heart Soul Enlightenment
About Luqman: who still remember the story interesting and remedy it? When Luqman was ordered by his employer to take the 'best part' of the sacrificial animals, she got 'hearts and verbal' the animal to its master. And when he was told to take the worst, he returned with the same section.
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Travel Heart Soul Enlightenment |
His master surprised and asked: "When I told you get the best part of the sacrificial animals, you brought me 'hearts and tongues'. Now, you also give me the same organ. Why?" With a very wise Luqman explained that there is no the best of the creatures, except the liver and verbal instructions. And vice versa: there are no ugly and dirty most of the slaves than 'hearts and verbal'.
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Travel Heart Soul Enlightenment |
The prophet tells us in detail: "Know that in the body that there is a blood clot. If he is good, then the body will be full. But if it is damaged, the body (also) is totally destroyed. That's the 'heart'".
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Travel Heart Soul Enlightenment |
The heart is the king in the body. He is the ruler. Commands and prohibitions obeyed by all his soldiers: members of the body. However, if the king is never "entertained" and given "input", he will be weak and unable to govern well and authoritative. If 'the king' had no authority anymore, people will be broken automatically.
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Travel Heart Soul Enlightenment |
Therefore, 'the king' should always be invited to take a walk. "Tour of the Heart". He must be brought across the ocean of wisdom. So he is not tired and lethargic. Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib explains: "swatch rest your heart and touch her wisdom. Because he was bored, as well as body."
Wisdom. Yes, wisdom. What about wisdom? Wisdom is "lost pearls" of every Muslim. Any person who discovered it, he is entitled to pick it up again, so the sound of an adage wisdom. Because of the preciousness of 'wisdom' that, Allah states: "Whoever is given wisdom, he has been blessed with much good ...
(Surat Al-Baqarah [2]: 269).
Travel liver is a very enjoyable tour. If we know the direction and the area's attractions. If not, the result would not be good. So, he should go to the ocean of wisdom, as mentioned Imam Ali ra. So he do not get bored, tired and lethargic. Like the body, the liver should also be "fed" and "drink". Thus, it would still exist and fit.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah explained: "Anyone who wants a clean heart, let him put the Lord more than lust. Because the heart is 'adrift' by the lust of God sealed in accordance with the levels of 'terpautannya' with lust it. Heart is the 'container' of God Him on the earth. Then the hearts of the most beloved is the more 'high' (levels of holiness), harder (stronger) and cleaner. If the liver were fed with 'remembrance', doused with tafakkur and cleared of reproach, he will (be able) to see the wonders and be inspired by wisdom. "
Subhanallah! That area and the 'heart travel'. Not much apparently. Just three are: dhikr, tafakkur and impeccably clean. Can anyone say that the weight of those three things? Or, some say that the three regions taken and passed it difficult? Of course, the answer is more wise if stored in the 'heart' of each.
Dhikr. Remember. Remember anything. Especially considering God. Allah is Aware and All-Wise. He was never unaware of what is done by His creatures. He also never forget to reply to a charity of his servant. Both deeds were virtuous, and ugly. In dhikrullah, he himself promised to remember and remember people calling him, "Remember Me, surely I will remember you ..." (Surat Al-Baqarah [2]: 152). Of course each is a 'trade' with God nothing is wronged in the least.
Tafakkur. Tafakkur is part of worship. Did not the prophet Abraham, the father of monotheistic, is an ideal example in tafakkur? In the darkness he tafakkur her: she thought the 'stars' as his Lord. When it set, he was disappointed. Because that could sink means not God. He hated the 'God who drowned'. When he saw the 'moon' appears. He again thought that it was 'God'. But when the moon (also) sink, he returned disappointed. Finally, he saw the 'sun' rises. He thinks (too) that it was his Lord, because he saw bigger, brighter. But the sun is also disappointing.
The results of his disappointment that he preach to his people: he is innocent of what they worship and associate. And in the end, he came to value his tafakkur: God is not a star, moon or sun. God is who created the heavens and the earth, including its contents: stars, moon and sun. Eventually, it led to clot tafakkur unshakable faith (Surat Al-An `am [6]: 75-79).
Majesty of the Prophet Muhammad saw, too. Before so the Apostle, he is an expert tafakkur. He liked her in the Cave of Hira tahannuts. It is narrated by his beloved wife, Humaira A'ishah. "He likes to be alone later in the Cave of Hira bertahannuts some long nights" (Bukhari, Muslim). Then he ordered his people to air-tafakkur: think of God's creation, "Tafakkaru khalqillah fi ..." (Bertafakkurlah about God's creation ...) (Released by Dailamiy in the book of al-Firdaus).
It turned out that her habit tafakkur been done by those who passed. Umm Darda himself when asked about the actions of Abu Darda most Afdhal, he replied: tafakkur and air-iktibar. Hasan Al-Basri said: "Tafakkur saa'atan afdhalu min qiyami lailatin" (Bertafakkur one moment is better than praying one night too late).
Umar ibn Abdul Aziz also said: "Al-Afdhal min ni'amillah Ta'ammul fi al-'worship' (Thinking (in jelly) from Allah, one of the best forms of worship). Then air-tafakkurlah!
Cleanse the liver of a 'blemish'. Because the heart is like iron: get dirty and rusty. If it's rusty of course a bit difficult to clean. Although it can be, usually not as clean as it came from. But the 'heart' is not 'iron'. He can clean as in the past: bright and shiny again.
That makes our hearts are rusting 'dust modernization', fog progress that has been out of control, not to mention the 'waste plant disobedience'. Everything is shut eyes of the heart. Makes it no longer sharp and observant. Light is "dim": not powered and has no charm anymore. Heart must be trained (riyadhah) in order to beat passion. World of love, wealth, pride, congkah, arrogant, miserly (hunks), backbiting, namimah, like glancing at other people's wealth, and so is a form of 'defect' that can contaminate the liver.
All of which will lead and hanging out. Then it will give birth to what is called "al-dunya hubb" (love of the world). And in turn gave birth to "karahiyah al-death": afraid and reluctant to die. Therefore, the Prophet always cautioned that the heart be directed to (always) remember death. "Aktsiru min al-dhikr hadzim ladzat" (Expand remember all the pleasures breaker).
Aisha asked the Prophet: "Messenger of Allah, is there someone who was raised (on the Day of Resurrection) along with the martyrs?" "Yes." Rasul said. "That one who remembers death in as many as twenty times a day".
With the remembrance of death, people will only remember to do good. He forgot to 'arouse' the ugliness and shame of others. Because he realized that his charity is not necessarily better than those who digunjingkannya. It could be that person who thinks bad and a lot of sins, was more precious in the sight of Allah.
People are aware that death was near, he would not dare "corruption" and take the treasure the little people. He realized that what she eats will be accounted for in the court of God is Just. Surely the "record" and "document" God is more presentable and guaranteed its validity.
The birth of consciousness as it would eliminate the 'defect' and the evil that resides in the heart. Thus, his heart can be faded rust. The heart is the mirror of God. He will not willingly and voluntarily if his mirror is dirty: for he can not be penetrated by the light of His guidance. Let's start "Travel Heart" is.
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