
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

World's Longest Cigar

World's Longest Cigar

You like cigars? cigar for the addict may no longer see the compassion of a length and cigar great, but this time you'll be amazed at the length of the cigar on this one, yes ... this is the world's longest cigar in the newly created ... This is the longest cigar in the world created along 81.8 meters of the Cuban cigar expert, Jose Castelar.
World's Longest Cigar
World's Longest Cigar

Longest Cigar in the World (Source: funkydowntown)

Jose, a man 67 years, beating the Guinness Book of Records the longest cigar measuring 45.38 meters previously. Despite making a long cigar with almost equal pitches, he remains determined to make a cigar along the 100 meters! (**)

World's Longest Cigar
World's Longest Cigar


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