
Monday, August 13, 2012

Remain Intact After the bodies of 130 Years

Remain Intact After the bodies of 130 Years

On January 7, 1844, from partner Francois Soubirous, a businessman who lost a grain mill, and his wife, Louise Casterot, was born a baby, their eldest son. The baby they named Marie Bernarde. Because of tiny stature, the child was then used to be called Bernadette (Bernarde small).
Remain Intact After the bodies of 130 Years
Remain Intact After the bodies of 130 Years

Since the baby's health is not good Bernadette. She was always sick, especially asthma. Instead of complaining, but Bernadette offered all her suffering to God in reparation for the conversion of sinners.

For Bernadette, pain also does not mean free of all duties and obligations. He still had to help her mother care for the five siblings. And when Bernadette was deemed old enough, he had to work as maids and cattle herders.

One day, on February 11, 1858, an extraordinary event occurred. When he was with a sister and a friend was looking for firewood in the fields, the Virgin Mary appeared to him in a cave called Massabielle (= the Great Stone), on the banks of the river Gave near the town of Lourdes.

Bernadette did not know who the beautiful woman and what she wants. Our Lady appeared to him as much as 18 times. On March 25, 1858, on the appearance of the-16, Our Lady revealed who he was, "I am the Immaculate Conception." ('Que Soy Era Immaculada Conceptiou' or 'I Am The Immaculate Conception').

Remain Intact After the bodies of 130 Years
Remain Intact After the bodies of 130 Years

After the events of the apparitions Bernadette suffered much, both because of suspicion of people who do not want to believe, by the excessive attention of those who believe, and threats from local authorities. Everything was borne with fortitude and patience.

At the age of 22 years, Bernadette joined the Sisters of Charity in Nevers, France. Thirteen years he lived at the monastery and most of the time spent in bed because of pain.

"My work progresses," said Bernadette.
"Doing what?" a nurse asked in astonishment.
"The work of ail!" she smiled.
Bernadette was a very humble man. More than anything, he did not want to be praised. One time a nurse asked him if he felt proud because it was chosen by the Virgin Mary. "How," Bernadette said quickly, "Our Lady chose me just because I was the most contemptible." An answer from the deepest humility!

Bernadette died on 16 April 1879 at the age of 35 years due to tuberculosis disease. Her body is still intact to this day even though he had died more than a century ago. In 1933 Bernadette was appointed as a saint by Pope Pius XI. His feast is celebrated on the 16th of April.

Place Bernadette saw apparitions Our Lady Catholic pilgrims to the location of the world. That said, when Our Lady appeared, asked Bernadette to drink from water sources in the cave. However, there was no water at all in there. Bernadette was dug at a place shown to him. Magic, from where it springs forth.

The water is still gushing is believed to have extraordinary healing power, even if the scientist can not find the presence of substances believed to cure diseases.


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