
Friday, August 3, 2012

Laylat al-Qadr Night Lessons

Laylat al-Qadr Night Lessons

"Actually we had it down (al-Quran) on the night of glory. And you know what the night of glory. Night of Power is better than a thousand months. On the night fell the angels and the angel Gabriel with the permission of their Lord to manage all affairs. That night (full) well-being until dawn. "(Surat al-Qadr [97]: 1-5).
My brother, so great affection that God gave to His servants. See us, man, as his servant with the temperament that often fall up in the mire of sin. But God always loves to give us the easiness to purify themselves from the rust of sin and disobedience rust. Can not imagine how big the black spot was etched in the hearts disobedience, if God does not bestow His forgiveness of the Most area.

Ramadan, is one means by which God has given us obtain forgiveness. There are so many advantages that God gave to His servants through Ramadan, so it is natural that the Prophet expresses its primacy with the words "If these people knew what was in Ramadan, they will expect it to dive a full year." (HR Tabrani ).
Even one night that covered the blessing is only found in one of the nights of Ramadan. How great Ramadan so that nothing other than noble getting a better night than a thousand months. The Prophet, said, "Whoever is on the night of Laylat al-Qadr prayer, surely forgiven his sins of the past. (Bukhari and Muslim)
Many explanations Prophet who came to us about the virtues of this blessed night. As the night's best and most blessed nights among the existing, in which God has promised to his servants who sincerely and hope to obtain his protection at the end of the day, will double to 1000 month to charity, good deeds done on this night.
There are so many hadith which states that Muslims seeking Laylat al-Qadr among the let odd dates in the last ten days of Ramadan (Bukhari) or seven nights last month (Bukhari). It seems to us no matter when Laylat al-Qadr be it imported, but the important thing is to pick up arriving at any time and prepare for it. Maybe it's better if we focus on mental preparedness, clarity of heart, soul sincerity, fairness of mind, the fullness of our faith, as well as the totality of faith and surrender our souls to Allah Azza Wa Jalla.
Therefore, Laylat al-Qadr Ramadan with him as a medium that could lead us to purity. It is in sunahkan for us to try to obtain it by extending the practice, worship and good deeds. Prophet, once said "Those who do good on the night of Laylat al-Qadr with faith and hope for reward from Allah, then the unforgivable sins of past". Not much is, if you renamed it the goodness of God than a thousand months.
Of course it would be arrogant man who desperately need forgiveness from God for their actions that deviate a lot, when they squandered a golden opportunity that is not necessarily they will get in the days to come. Who can guarantee that we will reach the age of Ramadan the years to come. Therefore, it is a necessity that can not help but to us, to pursue it, so that the promises of God that has been sown that we can actually get.
Departing from here, we can respond to borne in optimizing our worship at 10 last night in this blessed month. That way we do not worry about apart from the night Laylat al Qadr. Since we look only at certain nights.
Then, after exposure to the above, we as servants of God who truly understand the power of truth realized that our efforts in seeking Laylat al-Qadr is to prove and realize our servitude to Allah, so that it reminds us, we should draw closer together whenever and anywhere, without being limited by space and time. May Allah the Almighty, give us a chance to taste, enjoy, and surpasses the night in the month of Ramadan Laylat al-Qadr is the seriousness and sincerity of heart worship.
Dear Brother, the scholars explain that the hidden wisdom Qadr night, the night is not confirmed, is that we try to look for it, improving on every night of worship, prayer augment hopefully get it, as did the Salaf side dish.
A good brother, the Prophet Muhammad deliberately show features that exist in the glory of the night (Laylat al-Qadr) was blessed. Because he knew that there had once been a man of some Israelites who always wore during the 1000 months of sword fighting in Allah. Because of his community life no one all that, then Allah revealed the Koran to the letter explaining the glory of the night: "We lowered it (al-Quran) on the night of glory. And you know what the Night of Power is? Glory night is better than a thousand months. On the night fell the angels and the angel Gabriel with the permission of their Lord to manage all affairs. The night was filled with well-being until the rising of Fajr "(Al Qadr 1-5).
Al Qadr means glory or high seat, or said to be also fate (provisions) and both are considered correct. He is the place to determine all matters in every year, as the word of Allah: "Verily, We sent down the Quran on a blessed night, and We-the one who gave the warning. On that night described the affairs of Wisdom "(Ad Dukhan 3-4).
One thousand months more than 83 years old (over the life of man). And observe the reward equivalent to that night with the ritual of all time. Of course it is a mercy. Hence the Prophet to be the most enthusiastic to do so. For the sake of it he did i'tikaf in the mosque, while away from all the busyness of the world. He said: "Whoever did worship on the night of glory for the faith and seeking reward, then the sins of past will be forgiven".
One thing to note about this feature tonight is glory, that all men glorify God by lowering the light guide at night. Therefore, dark heresy gone missing. That night God turn the hearts of men if they want to do pious deeds. That night fell the angels and Gabriel as well.
One more feature tonight is glory, if events fall of the angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad brought the revelation was over, then on the night of power is as if the reconstruction or renewal for the sake of human welfare. When Gabriel came down with a time of revelation and Islamic law, then at night it's glory, he fell again after getting permission from his Lord to manage all the affairs of the applicable year for the inhabitants of the earth. The angels had come down with the whole well-being. On that night as if the whole world is awake to welcome the signs of prosperity, peace, righteousness and salvation.
This encourages us to speak to the entire world that the real mission of our religion and our prophet or a treatise, is the mission of religion and prosperity are always updated annually.
Night of power is a gift like no other. Anyone who until too late to use it, then just as he has been in force persecution against himself. Because his wife A'ishah, the Prophet Muhammad had to give testament:
"If you find that night (Laylat al-Qadr), then read this supplication: Allahumma innaka 'afqun tuhibbul' fa'annii AFWA. (O Allah, Thou art the All-forgiving, You love forgiveness, so forgive me) "(HR Tarmidzi).
The prayer includes all virtues. The problem is that people have given forgiveness, the soul and body be preserved. He will be maintained from the computation (calculation of charity) and punishment, so he will gain happiness of the world and the hereafter.
Rasulullah SAW had explained to his companions about the date of Laylat al Qadr is the night, which numbers around the last ten days in the month of Ramadan. Apparently the issue need not be debated, because of all the odd nights of last ten nights, there is a hadith which describes that night was Laylat al-Qadr. In our view (Athiyah Muhammad Salim), which is that Laylat al-Qadr right is not stabilized and moving.
"O God, help us to be able to worship on the night of glory. Give us the blessing of his virtue. Forgive us. Please accept our request that you deign to free us from the torment of hell. Verily Thou art the Essence of the great all-hearing and granted the prayer. May the prayers and best wishes for God always tervukupi servant and His Messenger Muhammad SAW glorious ".
Rasulullah SAW said: "Fight your appetite with hunger and thirst, because the reward is like the reward of those who strive in the way of Allah and there is no preferred practice in the sight of Allah than hunger and thirst". And Allaah knows best. (*)


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