
Friday, August 3, 2012



For a publisher, an Internet business is a work of considerable promise in recent years. No exception to dig through advertising services revenue from google adsense. From some experience by the publisher, to increase Adsense income, there are some optimization tips and internet business that you also need to know.

Here are some tips on increasing your Adsense income, which may be worth a try. To get more clicks on Google AdSense ads (GA), you need to do adsense optimization. One key to optimization is "disguised advertising so as not to look like an advertisement". Make your Ads look less like ads.

There are three practical steps to disguise the AdSense ads on your site:

1. Use a lot of ad formats click inviting

Here is the performance of a variety of formats based AdSense Click Through Rate (CTR), which is taken from a source.

format CTR
336 × 260 7:46%
300 × 250 5:58%
728 × 90 3:16%
120 × 240 2996%
160 × 600 2:44%
120 × 600 1:33%
468 × 60 0.53%

2. A good positioning

GA placement position on your site also influence the number of clicks you get. The best location would be the most frequently viewed or seen by visitors.
3. Color adjustment

In order to blend with the overall content, using color blocks ad appropriate GA. Border and background color should correspond with the GA ad border and background colors of your site. Colors link at GA ads should also be likened to the color of the link on the site.

The steps above are not necessarily applicable to all sites. To find out the specific conditions prevailing in your site, there is no other way except to try, try and try!


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