
Friday, August 3, 2012

Examples of Speech Warning Isro Mi, roj

Examples of Speech Warning Isro Mi, roj

This is an example of speech as host Isro Mi, roj, and usually a speech as the host is always the beginnings of the event.

Examples of speech in commemoration of ISRO Mi, roj is actually in order to minimize the splendor of the event shows that heresy is rooted in the community throughout Indonesia and foreign countries.

As an example of a speech event Mi Isro, will be introduced later roj an example of ISRO's speech warning Mi, roj free from the term the term heresy.

Examples of Speech Warning ISRO Mi, roj forced me posting this, hoping the reader will hopefully replicate and disseminate examples Isro Speech Mi, a shar roj, I, then hope the event shows that smelled of heresy gradually be eroded from the Community which are already inheriting mauled occasions such heresy, or ISRO tahlil Mi, roj.

Okay, let's quickly look at examples of speeches warning Isro Mi, roj who steered me in it will be a heresy of the event to show appropriate understanding of the sunnah salafussalih, following the example address ISRO Warning Mi, roj:

Assalamu 'alaykum wa wa rohmatullohi barokatuh ....

Bismillah wal hamdu lillah wassholatu wassalamu 'ala Rosulillah Nabiyyina Muhammadin alihi wa wa wa man shohbihi walaah, Amma ba'du:

First of all let us pray worship and gratitude to Allah Almighty that at night it has given its taufiq and guidance, so we were all given the grace present in the majlis shar, I blessed that God willing, aaamiiiin ....

second, let's read sholawat and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad as saying we love and being ittiba 'with him Shollallahu' alaihi wa sallam with a clean reading sholawat of heresy, Allahumma sholli sallim wa 'ala Muhammad wa' ala alihi washohbih.

Further to the father of mother father and mother knew, that this study is not the occasion of the Day Isro Mi, roj prophet Muhammad, the event was the instruction usual mini mala, it's just that it generally coincides with the ignorant people commemorate Isro Mi, roj, to that in the event the committee later accidentally clearing the event of various events such heresy mauled tahlil and reading, I hope the audience understand it is, and should the Muslims little by little to leave this thing never done by our predecessors pious.

Furthermore, I as the host is not feasible for long-winded sentences and remember the event in a very solid mini mala, should be the order I read that later today God willing to walk at night.

The first event is

Opening, and to shorten the time, let's open the event along with Bismillahirrohmanirrohim reading, and reading should be read bismillah sequence starting from the far right and foremost, because after all we are certainly concerned if bismillah is read together will include Dzikir berjama ' ah where it is not known from salafussalih ....
Reading of the Holy Koran verse by verse sung without
Welcome welcome ......
Religion is the core event lecture titled "Meet the Prophet of God in Heaven Seven" which in this occasion will be presented by Al Ustadz Bangkak Khafidlohulloh Lc.
Complete the division bulletin about heresy.
Closing prayer strip
Thus the arrangement of events used to study this evening, hopefully there is no obstruction of a smooth running of any aamiiin Allahumma ameen


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