
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Threats of Use of Social Networking

Threats of Use of Social Networking

Nowadays we can be sure almost everyone has an account on social media, such as facebook or twitter. This is understandable because it is human nature that require interaction with others. However, the use of humans also need to consider the attitude to act in this virtual world.
Internet can not be separated from the life of modern man. Almost all people know and use the internet in many activities. It is therefore no wonder that every individual has an account on the internet, like email, blogs, social networks (Faceboook, twitter, etc..). Internet is promising a lot of profit but also will the coming disaster if not careful in its use. Therefore, understanding the use of the internet properly and safely. Many examples of criminal cases arising from the use of the internet. As an example of using the Start of kidnapping, extortion, fraud, and much more.

In this global era, media outlets and the type of technology is growing increasingly diverse, particularly the internet. Indeed, today's Internet already has the facilities, features, and functions of various kinds, from start to function as an aspect komusnikasi, information providers, and facilities for trade and promotion. In addition, the internet can also connect us with the various parties at various locations around the world. Call it E-mail or Electronic mail, E-mail in addition to the Internet also provides many facilities for a chat or what we call a chat.
Beware Updating Status on Facebook Account
Another function of other Internet is Usenet, which provided a forum for sharing information and ideas about a topic through electronic magazine. With this forum, users can send messages on the topic in question also received responses from other parties. And that is no stranger to social networking sites. Social networking sites or social networking in the English language, familiar sound in our ears. Today, more and more varieties and types of social networking, such as facebook, friendster, hi5, my space, twitter, somerset, tumblr, and much more.
However, the use of the internet, we also have to be careful and vigilant. Especially when you're writing status in social networks, especially Facebook. There have been many cases that originated from one's facebook status, which ultimately can invite trouble. Moreover, the status associated with SARA (Inter-Racial Religion Interest Group). Call it Zulfikry Imadul Bilad, whatever the underlying thought a student had to write a sentence ITB racist in his facebook status.
 In status, this ITB chemistry student wrote a sentence that is very offensive Papuans. The status is written after a football match between Arsenal with Roma on May 2, 2010. Status is a direct cash received strong reaction from the student community of Papua. The status of community college students sparked a reaction from Papua. According to information from Bandung, about 100 people from the Student Solidarity Papua Care Anti Racism in Indonesia rallied in front of the Sate Building, Jalan Diponegoro on Tuesday (5/18/2010) ago.
"We are part of Indonesia highway. We are a minority, but we are also people of Indonesia. We hope this case (racist - red) no longer occur in Indonesia," said John Okdinon, coordinator of the action. This action is a form of rejection of the racist attitudes that still exist in Indonesia added John. "Often times it happens. But we have no evidence. Incidentally this case we have the proof," he said.

Massa took a few posters that include the contents' Racism against people of Papua as Papuans are violating human rights. Stop Racism ',' Restore our dignity papua people '. Massa also unfurled the blue banner size 1x5 meter that reads "Student Solidarity Papua Care Anti-Racism in Indonesia '.
Glimpse of the cases had originated Bandung indicates that we must be careful and think long in advance if you want to write or publish status of the social networking account that we have, not only facebook, but on the site and other media we too should also not be indiscriminate in writing status, especially if the status is associated with religion, it will be fatal, can even cause a split among tribes, religions, and between citizens, so that it can damage the unity of the nation. Besides, can cause the user account tangled legal case. Therefore, be careful in writing the status on social networking account.


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