
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Amazing Natural Phenomena

Amazing Natural Phenomena

Some of these natural phenomena causing disasters to mankind, but it looks beautiful and amazing. Except of course the light pole and the migration of monarch butterflies that give visual and beautiful to behold. Immediately, we see together, yeah

1. Monarch butterfly migration
Amazing Natural Phenomena Monarch butterfly migration
Amazing Natural Phenomena Monarch butterfly migration

Mass migration of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) during the winter include most of North America toward the south. Butterfly colors of orange and black looks beautiful when it meets the blue sky.

2. The light pole
Amazing Natural Phenomena The light pole
Amazing Natural Phenomena The light pole

Light pole occurs when very cold weather when ice crystals depends on the atmosphere, then this natural phenomenon seen in the night sky. The higher the ice crystals, the higher the light pole was visible.

3. Maelstorm
Amazing Natural Phenomena Maelstorm
Amazing Natural Phenomena Maelstorm

Maelstorm is a very powerful whirlpool in the middle of the sea. Whirlpools that occurred in Scotland and can be heard for many miles away, despite the fact maelstorm could happen anywhere.

4. sandstorm
Amazing Natural Phenomena sandstorm
Amazing Natural Phenomena sandstorm

Sand storms occur when high winds lift particles of soil and sand into the atmosphere to form a storm. Each year forty million tons of dust carried from the Sahara to the Amazon basin.

5. vortex of fire
Amazing Natural Phenomena vortex of fire
Amazing Natural Phenomena vortex of fire

This one is terrible, but still look beautiful. That vortex of fire that occurs when a tornado. Vortex of fire occurred when the heat of the fire the air pushing on it in such a way as to form a vortex with cold air outside. If the vortex is getting the fire going vertical vortex sucked into the vortex forming fire.

Vortex of fire that occurred in Tokyo in 1923 burned all the buildings there are mostly made of wood, so it claimed 38,000 people burned to death.


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