
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Face Shape Match

Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Face Shape Match

Glasses are appropriately used for people with eye diseases farsightedness and nearsightedness. Using the goggles is optional but can be a goal to give the user the sensation of the face. Any form of glasses influence the appearance of the face, so choosing eyeglass frames according to face shape is a major concern before choosing eyeglasses. Here are tips on choosing sunglasses fit your face shape,

1. Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Oval Face Shape

Have an oval face shape is a fortune. Oval face shape suitable to wear glasses of any kind. Select the sunglasses fit your style, so you are more confident in the activity.
Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Face Shape Match
Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Face Shape Match

2. Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Round face shapes

By having the form of a round face shape then you must avoid round glasses. If you use a round glasses, your face will surely be a strange circle on the sphere there .. hehe. Use a box-shaped glasses.
Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Face Shape Match
Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Face Shape Match

3. Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Triangle Face Shape

Form a broad face and forehead chin smaller section. Glasses suitable for use on a triangular face shape is round glasses. Round glasses will add variety to your facial style.
Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Face Shape Match
Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Face Shape Match

4. Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Face Shape Box

From the form of the forehead, cheekbones and jaw line in the face of the box. To balance the face, then a suitable glasses are round or oval glasses
Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Face Shape Match
Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Face Shape Match

5. Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Tiny or Small Faces form

For a small face, choose a framed glasses down. Do not be too wide, because it will make the face out of balance.
Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Face Shape Match
Tips for Choosing Eyeglasses Face Shape Match

With Frame sunglasses to suit your face shape and adds harmony will nourish your face. Good luck ..


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