
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Shopping Guide Shopping In Paris

Shopping Guide Shopping In Paris
Tag : Lifestyle

Do you feel the excitement of attractions in Paris? Take a lazy walk in the street called Saint-Placide in the middle of tres cher. 
Shopping Guide Shopping In Paris

Once you get to the end of that particular path, you will identify Le Bon Marche, which is one department store in Paris's most popular. This culinary haven right along the same path. As you head into the goal as the referee splash the cash, it becomes easy to find a path that is great for those who like a bargain.

Shopping Guide Shopping In Paris
Shopping Guide Shopping In Paris

As in no. 58, you can identify Generale de pharmacie related in many French beauty and cosmetic products with a fifty percent discount compared to other competitors. Roche Posay is another out to look for. This is a complete beauty and cosmetic products that offer store brands are great for sensitive skin at discount prices.
Shopping Guide Shopping In Paris
Shopping Guide Shopping In Paris

Chausseureis clandestine located at no. 45 and is a great destination for shopping. The owners are private and therefore have enough shoe boxes piled high on top of the window. Inside the store, there are beautiful women shoe designers such as Marc Jacobs, Victor and boots Sexy hloe among myriad others. Men's shoes sold in stores at a discount of about 60% of the commonly found at other stores.
Shopping Guide Shopping In Paris
Shopping Guide Shopping In Paris

Pullsion located at no. 35 selling classical petit Bateau is a brand targeted at children, but everyone wearing them. They sell their products at discounted prices compared to prices you will get the same product on the Champs Elysees.
Shopping Guide Shopping In Paris
Shopping Guide Shopping In Paris

For those who want to buy beautiful antiques, they can go to the antique markets such as the Marché d'Aligre, Marché aux Puces de Montreuil, Marché aux Puces de la Porte de Vanves and Les Puces de Saint-Ouen.


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