Two of the largest to the World Through Prostitution Trafficking Indonesia
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Certainly many who think of human trafficking (human trafficking) is not much going on in Indonesia. Make no mistake! In some big cities like Jakarta and Surabaya, this crime occurs on the neighbors, relatives, even children.
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The World Through Prostitution Trafficking Indonesia |
Human trafficking is meant here is prostitution involving violence or sexual exploitation of children.
Apparently according to the United Nations, Indonesia is the largest country into two active commit crimes is because of globally, Indonesia is known as Sending, as well as Producing Area Transit for human trafficking. Ironically, most cases of human trafficking in Indonesia due to the crush of the economic problems.
"I am often confronted with commercial sex workers aged 12-16 years, even at that age there are already HIV positive and be a pimp for his friends," said psychologist Riza Wahyuni, S.Psi., M.Si, Psi. , in Seminar on Sharing Experiences and Impact of Human Trafficking Viewed from Aspect Medical, Psychological and Social theme "Save Our Children from Violence" in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.
According to Riza, many of the victims of human trafficking, mainly prostitutes, do not know anything if they are victims. Just because the lure of money, they would be asked to accompany the man masher and eventually suffered a number of sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis and HIV AIDS.
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The World Through Prostitution Trafficking Indonesia |
"But more important is to overcome the post-condition of the victims of sexual violence and exploitation that is SUPPORT FOR SURVIVAL or support to victims in order not to give up and continue to survive. This is because usually after knowing the circumstances, the victims were depressed, like hurting yourself by not eating , did not sleep until commit suicide, "said Riza.
"Not only about the victims, Kkta should also focus on families that have a direct impact of such conditions victim ostracized by society," said one of the IOM-UN facilitators for the violence of women and children in Indonesia.
"Especially the people of Indonesia most easily influenced by the labeling (labeling or imaging) are actually categorized as a victim," he continued.
After 9 years of crisscrossing the handling of victims of violence on women and children, Riza also emphasized that the main problem is the handling of these cases the victims tend to be closed. Sometimes when facilitated, victims tend to lie or manipulate reports to the counselor.
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The World Through Prostitution Trafficking Indonesia |
Not to mention keep the image and prestige reasons, as unexpectedly, cases of sexual violence and exploitation are also prevalent among the economic and popular schools that tend to be covered tightly.
To avoid distortion of sexual behavior and sexual violence and exploitation, all people are required actively to disseminate to schools, colleges and hangout places on the importance of maintaining relationships and avoiding casual sex or other deviant behavior.
It would be better if the action was intended to foster socialization of empathy and eliminate the negative stigma against victims of sexual violence and exploitation.
"I was with some friends the other psychologists also is working on socialization through media that are close to the younger generation such as comic or poster," said Riza.
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The World Through Prostitution Trafficking Indonesia |
But if the finding or direct knowledge of the existence of human trafficking and sexual exploitation around us, we are asked to immediately report it to authorities.
"It is already laid out in Act No. 21 of 2007 on Eradication of Trafficking in Persons. However, the complexity of the case on the ground makes this a weak implementation of laws such as law enforcement officers who were involved in the prostitution business," said psychologist active in Surabaya and Jakarta.
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The World Through Prostitution Trafficking Indonesia |
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