Enjoin evil
Post by : koyazaka.blogspot.com
Tag : Relegion
Enjoin evil commonly defined as "Ordered to do good and prevent evil deeds" is one order of Personality 'a fardlu kifayah.
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Enjoin evil is a unity that can not be separated from each other, two things are mutually honor (talazum).
Doing good is called:
المعروف وهو اسم لكل ما عرف من طاعة الله عز وجل, والتقرب إليه والإحسان إلى الناس, وكل ما ندب اليه الشرع.
Ma'ruf is a name known to every act which is part of obedience to Allah Azza wa Jall, draw closer to Him, do good to mankind, and all what is in sunahkan by Personality '.
While the so-called Munkar is the opposite of doing good.
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The argument from the Qur'an are:
كنتم خير أمة أخرجت للناس تأمرون بالمعروف وتنهون عن المنكر وتؤمنون بالله ولو آمن أهل الكتاب لكان خيرا لهم منهم المؤمنون وأكثرهم الفاسقون (ال عمران: 110)
You are the best people are born for the man, sent to the ma'ruf, and prevent it from being evil, and faith in God. Had the Book believed, it would have been better for them, among them there are who believe, and most of them are wicked people.
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Theorem of as-Sunnah are:
من رأى منكم منكرا فليغيره بيده فإن لم يستطع فبلسانه, فإن لم يستطع فبقلبه, وذلك أضعاف الإيمان.
Whoever among you who saw misguidance misguidance should change it with his hands, if not capable of it with his tongue, if not able then to his heart, so is the least of weak faith.
From this hadith can be concluded that enjoining evil has three levels:
The first and most powerful is by using hands / ability / power. This is an evil which enjoin the fardlu ain and must be done immediately (al-compulsory 'ala al-faur) if it has the ability to do so.
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The second: If the first step can not be done, then the people who see the misguidance shall enjoin evil by switching on the second level, by using spoken.
When did enjoin evil by applying the first way, should first be done with gentleness and compassion weaknesses.
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If the two levels can not be done, then it should apply enjoin evil third level, namely by way of denial in the liver / not happy with the kemungkaran and forbidden to ignored me or did not care when looking at the occurrence of a kemungkaran. And the third level is made enjoin because of weakness of faith.
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In doing enjoin evil there are several conditions that must be met if about to do, namely:
People who want to do it is an 'Alim (really understand) what is commanded or averted.
Should be carried NOT enjoin misguidance or cause greater damage.
Enjoin the person who did should have a strong prejudice that it does can be useful.
If the first two conditions are not met, then it haram to enjoin evil. If these three conditions are not met, then the obligation of enjoining evil is eliminated.
This paper is excerpted from the book Sharh al-Shawi 'style works Jauharah at-Tawheed Shaikh Imam al-Faqih al-Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Maliki al-Shawi.
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