
Friday, June 15, 2012

How To Make Men Curious

How To Make Men Curious

Just like you want to feel comfortable in their dealings, he also wants to believe. But, how do men feel trusted, if you continue to 'curb' terror over the phone. The question is often asked her, "Why, he's not called, yes?", Or "Why did not he call more often?" Finally, like such as destroyers, many women continued to contact the couple via phone or SMS.
How To Make Men Curious
How To Make Men Curious

But, you know, these habits can make a man feel unfettered freedom, because they think you like 'police'? As a result, he became so lazy to call, or even meet you.

Men love it when they have to guess and be carried away by a woman. They'd be curious to you, and instead you will be chased by him. So, there are tricks you can turn a boring routine call to be interesting and challenging him.

1. Case: If the he does not pick up your phone, new and old SMS reply from you.
Trick: When he calls do not immediately removed. Let the ring for some time, your new lift. Or, let the phone first you do not lift. Well, if he phones again, a new lift. SMS also about the same, do not immediately returned, let some time. After that you countered. Imitate what he did. This will make your relationship balanced.

2. Case: When the he kept calling to postpone dinner plans together. Ranging from six o'clock, seven o'clock until eight o'clock at night.
Trick: Agree only on the first delay. If he is forced to postpone the schedule again, politely decline. Tell him to finish his business and proposes to meet another time.

3. Case: If he's late to call a few hours than he promised.
The trick: Leave voicemail (voice mail) answers. Effect of missed phone a few times is incredible. This would make him, wondering if maybe you are angry. If he asks, you can answer, "Not angry, really. I've been really busy." The answer is guaranteed to make a couple more curious


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