
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Benefits of Fasting According to Medical Experts

Benefits of Fasting According to Medical Experts

Fasting has many lessons and benefits for the body, peace of soul, and beauty. When fasting, the organs of the body can rest and billions of cells in the body can raise themselves to survive. Fasting serves as a detoxification to remove waste, toxins / poisons from the body, rejuvenate the body's cells and replace cells that have been damaged with new ones and to improve the function of hormones, making the skin healthier and increase endurance because humans have the ability natural therapy.

It can make your skin fresh, healthy, soft, and radiant. Because, every time the body has energy metabolism, namely the events of changes in the energy contained in the nutrients into the potential energy in the body. The rest will be stored in the body, kidney cells, skin cells, and eyelids as well as fat and glycogen.

Humans have a reserve of energy called glycogen. Energy reserves can last for 25 hours. This nutrient reserves which at times will be burned into energy, if the body does not get food supplies from outside. When fasting, the energy reserves stored in body organs removed so that the relief of respiratory organs as well as storage cells. This event is called cell rejuvenation. By rejuvenating the body's cells, it is useful to enhance immunity and health of our body and skin. Therefore, people who often fasted skin will look fresh, healthy, soft, and radiant as the rejuvenation of cells in the body running properly.

Some scientists have done some research on fasting them briefly below:

1. Benefits of Fasting According Allan Cott, M.D.,

An expert from the United States, has brought together the results of observation and research scientists many countries, and then compiled into a book Why Fast fasting revealed a variety of lessons, among others: a. To feel better physically and Mentally (feel better physically and mentally). b. To look and feel younger (look and feel younger). c. To clean out the body (body cleanse) d. To lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels (lower blood pressure and fat content. E. To get more out of sex (more in control of sex). F. To let the body health Itself (makes a healthy body by itself). G. To relieve tension (stress relaxes). h. To the senses sharp (sharpen sensory function). i. To gain control of oneself (gain the ability to control himself). j. To slow the aging process (slow down the aging process).

2. Benefits of Fasting According Dr. Yuri Nikolayev

Director of the diet on the Moscow Psychiatric Hospital to assess the ability of fasting resulted in the person concerned to be young, as a discovery (science), the largest of this century. He said: what do you think is the most Important discovery in our time? The radioactive watches? Exocet bombs? In my opinion the bigest discovery of our time is the ability to make-onself younger phisically, Mentally and spiritually through fasting rational. (In your opinion, is the most important discoveries in this century? Jam radioactive? Bomb exoset? In my opinion, the greatest invention in this century is the ability of someone to make him stay young physically, mentally, and spiritually, through fasting is rational).

3. Benefits of Fasting According Alvenia M. Fulton

Director of the Institute for Healthy Food "Fultonia" in the United States said that fasting is the best way to beautify and enhance the natural woman. Fasting produces softness and charm charm. Fasting normalize the functions of femininity and beauty of body reshaping (fasting is the best ladies Beautifier, it brings charm and grace poice, it normalizes female functions and reshapes the body contour).

4. Benefits of Fasting According Riyad Albiby and Ahmed Elkadi

Saying It can boost immunity or the immune system against various diseases. Indicated by an increase in spleen cell function producing T lymphocytes is significantly increased after fasting.

5. Benefits of Fasting According Sulimami

Said that for diseases such as diabetes Ramadan fasting would not even dangerous, in fact provides many benefits (Sulimami, etc., 1988: 549-552)

6. Benefits of Fasting According Jalal Saour

Argued that the reduced fluid in the fasting will lower the heart rate or cardiac work, prevention of blood clots that cause serious panyakit including the heart. (Jalal, Riyad, 1990)

7. Benefits of Fasting According Muzam MG, and Husain Ali M.N

Believes that fasting is also safer for patients who have disorders of the stomach ulcer. Research conducted by Muzam MG, MN Ali and Husayn in the observation of the effects of Ramadan fasting on gastric acid.

8. Benefits of Fasting According M. Elson Haas M.D.

Director of the Medical Center of Marin (since 1984) said in fasting (cleansing and detoxification) is part of a trilogy of nutrients, balancing, building (toning). Elson believes that fasting is the missing piece "missing link" in the diet in the western world. Most people in the west over eating or eating too much, eat too much protein, fat overload as well. So he suggested that people begin to arrange the food to be more balanced and start fasting, because fasting is useful as: purification, rejuvenation, rest the digestive organs, anti-aging, reduce allergies, weight loss, detoxification, mental and emotional relaxation, changing habits of poor eating habits become more balanced and more controlled, increases the body's immunity. and even better if the doctor's supervision. It can cure diseases such as Influeza, bronchitis, diarrhea, constipation, food allergies, asthma, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cancer, epilepsy, back pain, mental pain, angina pectoris (chest pain due to heart), heat and insomnia.

9. Benefits of Fasting According Dr Sabah al-Baqir and his friends

Said that fasting can reduce the amount of stress triggers hormones. He is with the team from the University of King Saud.yang medical school conducted a study of the hormone prolactin, insulin and cortisol, the seven men who fasted in the sample. The result is that no significant changes in cortisol levels. Prolactin, and insulin. This suggests that the fasting month of Ramadan is not an onerous job, and do not result in mental and nervous pressure. This experiment shows the increase occurred at different time, when the day of fasting is not the highest rise in prolactin at 16.00. while in the month of Ramadan has a peak at 21.00 and dropped again to its lowest limit at 04.00. While insulin increased at 16.00, being the month of Ramadan at 21.00, dropped to the lowest limit of 16.00. Cortisol was reaching its peak on weekdays at 09.00, down at 21.00, while in the month of Ramadan there was no significant change.

10. Benefits of Fasting According Dr Ahmad al-Qadhi, Dr. Riyadh al-Bibabi

Together with colleagues in the U.S. doing laboratory tests on a number of volunteers who fasted during Ramadan. The results of this study showed positive effects of fasting which is significant to the immune system. Functional indicators of lymph cells (lymfocytes) improved up to tenfold, although the total number of lymph cells did not change, but the percentage of types of lymph nodes and is responsible for protecting the body against various diseases which T cells are rapidly increased.

11. Benefits of Fasting AccordingDr Sulaiman Riyadh and his friends

In 1990 from King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh Saudi conducting research on the effect of Ramadan fasting on 47 patients with both types of diabetes (insulin-dependent patients who did not). And a number of healthy people. The results showed that the fasting month of Ramadan does not cause significant weight loss. There is no any significant effect on diabetes control diabetes among these patients. So far the Ramadan fasting safe for diabetics so far done with awareness and control of food and medicine.

12. Benefits of Fasting According Dr. Muhammad Munib
And friends of Turkey is also doing a study of one hundred Muslim respondents, their blood samples were taken before and at the end of Ramadan to do the analysis and measurement of protein content, total fat (total lipid), fat, phosphate, free fatty acids, cholesterol, albumin, globulin, blood sugar, tryglycerol, and blood-forming elements of the other, and obtained, among other things that the general decrease in blood sugar (glucose) and tryacyglicerol person who is fasting, the occurrence of partial and mild decrease in body weight, no visible acetone in the urine, either in the beginning and end of fasting, Ramadan fasting because before, this fact confirms the absence of formation of ketone substances that are harmful to the body during the Islamic fasting month, with the virtue of fasting, the glycogen in the body undergoes rejuvenation, pumping movement of stored fat , resulting in increased energy.

From ancient times fasting is best used as a treatment such as Plato said that fasting is to treat physical and mental illness. Philippus Paracelsus said that "Fasting is the greatest remedy the physician within!"

Fasting has been recognized to be the greatest healer in preventing the disease, even in America there is a center of fasting that is named "Fasting Center International, Inc.", Director Dennis Paulson who has since established 35 years ago, with patients from 220 countries. Fasting is recommended in: (1) weight loss program, (2) removing body toxins, (3) fasting can improve energy, mental health, physical health and most importantly improve the quality of life.


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